вторник, 5 июня 2012 г.

The people you like with humor?

If you want to help the person naspamte his wallet and phone - I'll pass. He somehow is able to show them the money. I - no.

When I was in high school, he studied in a parallel class guy. He has a sense of humor is completely absent. So make fun of it was boring - it just did not understand the questions and the more answers to your questions. Although in general was a good guy.

It should be easier, ladies and gentlemen. Then people will be pulled to you.

Today the customer is made ​​fun of me. Person, which I ordered grid of corporate websites for 90 th. rub. three weeks that we were doing it, had to resign from the company. If we consider that two months earlier the same thing happened at the branch: the grid, too, is also a decent amount of (but smaller ), is also a contact person resigned, somehow sad. some Karma.

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